Project Description
In Turkey, 47% of net electricity consumption is from the industrial sector, with an estimated 70% of this energy consumption from electric motor-driven systems (EMDS), 90% of which use 3-phase squirrel cage asynchronous motors as defined in the EU Eco-design Implementing Measure 640/2009 on electric motors as amended by Implementing Measure 4/20142. Electric motors in Turkey, in general, are not energy efficient. The project aims to promote significant additional investment in industrial energy efficiency in Turkey by transforming the market for energy efficient motors used in small and medium sized enterprises.
This objective will be achieved by strengthening the legislative and regulatory framework related to both new and existing EE motors in Turkey, developing appropriate governance and information infrastructure, upgrading test laboratories at the Turkish Standards Institute (TSI), launching a “one-stop shop” sustainable financial support mechanism (FSM), and developing and implementing a comprehensive public awareness and training programme.
The objective of the assignment is to facilitate the establishment of a sustainable market monitoring system, acting upon the electric motors inventory database developed by the MoSIT, including information on the annual sales of electric motors covered by the Project (0-375 kW, 2- to 6-pole, 3-phase squirrel cage asynchronous induction motors) their efficiency levels (IE classes).
The project is divided into five components focusing on:
- Component 1: Strengthened legislative and regulatory and policy framework for EE motors in Turkey.
- Component 2: Capacity building for relevant stakeholders to promote the benefits of EE motors.
- Component 3: Upgraded Turkish Standards Institute (TSI) test laboratory and strengthened monitoring, verification and enforcement.
- Component 4: One-stop-shop for financial support mechanisms.
- Component 5: Knowledge management and M&E
The DG for Productivity completed an electric motor inventory analysis in December 2015 which covered more than 90,000 electric motors (3-phase, ≥ 7.5 kW asynchronous motors) being operated in nearly 900 SMEs in 23 different industrial sectors in Turkey. This inventory reflects the distribution of these motors by efficiency (IE) levels, average rated power, average age, average operating time as well as electricity consumption caused by these motors.
Responsibilities of the consultant assigned by our company:
- Identifying the needs and expectations of the key project partners.
- Conducting a series of stakeholder consultations to clarify the conditions for regularly obtaining data on the sales of electric motors subject to the EU Eco-design Implementing Measure 640/2009.
- Proposing initial methodologies and specific software models for market monitoring and for assessing the impact of the project and the adopted policies in terms of energy savings and GHG reduction.
- In co-operation with the planned data collection activities of MoSIT (DG for Productivity), collecting and analysing the already available information that can be used for quantifying and characterizing the current state and forecasted market development of the targeted electric motors in Turkey, including information for different electric motor categories about their energy consumption characteristics.
- Developing and supporting the adoption of an improved market monitoring system with integrated quality control mechanisms.
- Conducting the first round of quality checking and processing to test the system’s functionality.
- Training of MoSIT staff on market analysis using the Market Monitoring database developed.
- Final report for the assignment with the related recommendation and suggested next steps to sustain the operation of the system also after the project.